Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Floodings in Alberta

So what the heck is going on with Alberta? Does it have anything to do with getting overexcited about a certain birthday?

Massive flooding has washed out roads and have caused thousands to evacuate and leave the pot roast cooking in the oven. This could cause serious problems as the roast is sure to be well done or even burnt when residents are allowed to return.

I always pictured things like this happening in the Maritimes or at least in the East because I always hear about floods happening over there. But Alberta? Come on. These people have enough problems dealing with the cow crises. Now they have to deal with cows floating out of stockyards and standing on top of half-sunken '96 Volkswagons. I don't even know if cows are that buoyant. Do spots make them heavier? We'll need to develop some sort of SCUBAFOB (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus for bovines).

My ultimate concern though, is for the jackalope. Is anyone worried about them? What are these little critters going to do? I can imagine those antlers weighing a ton and their arms and legs don't seem suited to swimming. I also hardly doubt that anyone is concerned for their safety or concern. A much-maligned creature, they became infamous during the Chili crises of '73.

One good thing to come out of this was that Drumheller was saved, or at least is still standing. All my little dino friends are safe for another day to scare the skin off of tourists with a frying pan and a "Not the Mama!"

Friday, June 10, 2005

Gurmant Grewel + secret tapes

So this is my 50th post! In celebration I decree throughout the land of Blogdom that there shall be free spam for everyone!

It seems like all I'm blogging about "these days" is politics in Canada but you know what, the politics here are actually getting juicy. People crossing floors left and right (okay that was bad), national scandals, missing money, secret tape recordings. Now I can't say that the politics are as interesting as the time when Mulroney screwed everybody over with WaterGate because well, that was before my time. So, this is the big thing of my time...in Canadian politics. I wish I could make that sound more interesting but I doubt that MPs would juggle flaming chainsaws on CPAC if I asked them to.

So, I actually had to find out about from a podcast because of my lack of media sources where I'm living now but Gurmant Grewal's allegations are starting to sound suspicious.

This is the man that secretly taped conversations with Liberals. (Health Minister Ujjal Dosanjh and Tim Murphy, Prime Minister Paul Martin's' chief of staff). Supposedly they hinted at the fact that he might be able to further his career if he missed the important non-confidence vote a few weeks ago. Perhaps they were promising him a pool full of jello or a sculture made out of macaroni that he could offer to Harper as a grain-product sacrifice, I really don't know.

The tapes were released and many people agree that the tapes were doctored or edited. An audio expert hired by the Conservatives says the tapes are clean but is he to be believed? Prior to them being released to the media, they were in the hands of the Conservative party. The Tories admitted some segments of the tapes had gone missing. So, does this mean that some thief out there gets his jollies by clipping bits of tape and stealing them?

Wait, the story gets better. It turns out Grewal was at the Vancouver airport and was trying to get a package to Ottawa. But he wasn't leaving until the next day. So he bothered various people, trying to get them to take the package for him. You're not allowed to do this in Canada. You either send it by courier or you take it on the plane yourself. I guess that's because there might be a bomb in the package or a deadly fruitcake that's been sitting in the back of your freezer ever since your mother-in-law made it.

Anyway, what was in the package? One of the unedited tapes that were supposedly all handed over to the RCMP (our police guys). So what does the man do? Well, he does what any man in his situation does, mows the lawns of Parliament. Okay no, he took a leave of absence. My prediction? He's gone. He's gone like dinner when the dog's left alone with it.

Who is telling the lie?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Tommy Douglas = Greatest Canadian?

Heh, it's been a while since I've done this but my "Mr. Fox Goes Running" post was actually was a 'Greatest Canadian'post. I just forgot to mention it.

So, the next man on our list is named Tommy Douglas. He was a mild-mannered man from Saskatchewan. He introduced universal health care to Canada. Some people might sniff at that and call it Communism. Okay, no, let's take that down a notch. Let's say Socialism. Now, I hear that hush that has fallen onto the computer screen but I'd rather have Medicare than pay $20,000 to fix a broken arm.

Does anyone remember that Bill of Rights? You know, that piece of paper Trudeau is credited with and that revolutionized Canada? Well, Douglas created a Bill of Rights long before Trudeau did.

Here are some other things he's responsible for in his province:
Letting women into bars (if someone can clear up why women weren't allowed in before this in Saskatchewan I'd love to know)
Auto Insurance
Minimum Wage
Paid Vacations
40-hour Work Week

And this quote by him gives you an idea just what kind of guy he was. "My friends, watch out for the little fellow with an idea." He seems to be the kind of person whose ambition is like those old steam engines. It barrels down the tracks and then doesn't even slow down when it hits those guys pounding in the last spike at Craigellachie.

Here's another tidbit, Tommy's son-on-law is named Donald Sutherland and his grandson is named Kiefer Sutherland. Now, do those names sound familiar? Neither looks like the guy on the Quaker Oats box.

One aside, thank you readers. My hit counter says I've hit the 1000 mark in individual IP addresses so that's pretty cool. One other thing. This month, my blog turns one year old. Happy birthday blog!

And for your viewing pleasure. Kief the Chief in a wig. At least, I hope that's not his real hair.