The blah horror that was "Nana" is now over and I've started "Murder at the Vicarage". I have to say though, if you've read "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" this book will sound very familiar. A phone call, floor plans, etc. I have to say though, as the book that introduced Miss Marple to the reading public, she's kind of a jerk. My only other exposure to her has been Geraldine McEwan's portrayal on tv.
I've just watched "Hellboy 2" and while I think Del Toro's imagination is right up my alley the storyline left something to be desired. Currently I'm watching the latest BBC remake of "Sense and Sensibility" Willoughby isn't nearly handsome enough and Edward is far too handsome. Everyone else seems to have been perfectly cast though. I do miss Alan Rickman as Colonel Brandon though. He seemed a far more perfect fit than David Morrissey
Listening To:
This is "Stuck for the Summer" by Two Hours Traffic. A perfect song for the season I believe.
The first Hellboy was the same - looked great, had some good lines... no decent plot to speak of. Shame, really.
I read a whole lot of Agatha Christie when I was in my early teens. My mother was an avid reader of the stories herself, so the books were readily available. I was always a Poirot man though...Miss Marple was a character I never found really engaging, for some reason.
I also prefer Poirot! But I like Joan Hickson as Miss Marple better than Geraldine McEwan.
seresecros - I liked the first Hellboy more, probably because David Hyde Pierce voiced Abe. This time around the man in the suit provided his own voice. It was sub-par and his acting seemed to suffer as well.
Prince Nuada didn't get enough screen time in the new one and the subplot between Red and Liz was distracting and stupid.
teflonjedi- I have to say, after this first book, that barely features Jane, I like Poirot better too.
melanie - I've never seen any of the Joan Hickson stories so I can't compare but I love Geraldine McEwan as Jane. After making twelve stories though, she's decided to call it quits this year.
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