Monday, April 09, 2012

95th Memorial of the Battle of Vimy Ridge

Today marks the 95th anniversary of the battle at Vimy Ridge where Canadian troops wona major victory where the British and French couldn't break through. Many historians have called this the moment where Canada came of age as a nation. While existing as a country since 1867 it is this moment where Canadian divisions first fought together, where they were under command of a Canadian, General Arthur Currie, and not a British General. It is here where we won out where so many others had failed. It's estimated that over 100 000 British and French soldiers died trying to take Vimy Ridge before the Canadians were brought in. They used different tactics and trusted ordinary soldiers with the battle plan so that every man might know what to do. Never again would we be commanded by anyone other than Canadians. We even had our own seat at the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.

It's important to remember such moments, not only because they
have shaped the country and its people but to pay tribute to those who gave their lives in the defence of our freedom. My great grandfather fought at Vimy Ridge and lived. While I never had the pleasure of meeting the man I am very proud of him and his service to this country and consequently, to me, a great grandchild he never met. It's important to remember because the last WWI war veteran died in 2010. There is no one left to keep the memories of that war so we must keep it for them: for everyone who came home and had to live with what they'd experienced; for those who lie buried in Europe and never came home and for those who were never found, who have no headstone, no place for a family to come and mourn.


Jan Theuninck Art said...

Vimy Ridge

the spirit of death
kissed you
on this ridge
your work is done
no triumph no glory
but for ever

© by Jan Theuninck

theduckthief said...

I like that! Thanks for posting it to my Vimy Ridge post.