Friday, April 04, 2008

A Love Letter to Bette Davis

Dear Ms. Davis,

First I would like to wish you a Happy 100th birthday. You took the hard road when it came to life and the movies but you can't say it's ever been boring.

Your movie roles have become iconic in the eyes of many, including myself. Movies where I couldn't imagine anyone else in the role. Who else could have manipulated everyone so well in "Jezebel"? Who else could have had that look in her eye as she sat on the couch while her husband struggled up the stairs in "The Little Foxes"? Who else could have shown such restrained anger before her party in "All About Eve"? Who else could have played such a crazed sister in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane"?

Time hasn't dimmed the look in your eyes, nor your ability to deliver. Your face has this quality to transmit your inner thoughts to the audience. I admire your talent, your energy, your on screen presence. So thank you, thank you for all that you have done and will continue to do for people like myself who love movies.

In short Ms. Davis, I love you. I love your big expressive eyes. I love that you were ballsy about the roles you chose, that you didn't compromise on the characters you played. I love how you dominate the screen, how your costars seem to pale in comparison.

Sincerely, theduckthief

PS. You totally deserved the Best Actress Oscar for "All About Eve".

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